The Cooperativa de Transportadores Taxlujo Ltda. is a non-profit associative company, its associates being the contributors and managers of the cooperative company, created with the aim of jointly and efficiently producing goods and services to meet the needs of his associates
The cooperative is consolidated as an efficient, effective company with the capacity to maintain and improve the service to its associates through the sections of transportation, credit, industrial consumption and special services.
We are Cooperativa de Transportadores Taxlujo Ltda. We are known for applying the fundamental principles of cooperatives, based on the economic well-being of our associates, while their social and cultural well-being is paramount.
Our administrative headquarters is located in the municipality of San Juan de Pasto, department of Nariño, in addition to having ticket offices available to serve the public. In addition, we have three modes of Transportation offered to the public, which are urban taxis in the city of Pasto, micro buses which operate regionally and nationally.
Do you know the pillars of our cooperative:
Quality at the right price
Comfort and excellent care
Improvement continue through the Colombian southwest